How to’s with massage candles - Plumtoy

How to’s with massage candles

Sep 23, 2022Plum toy

Massage candles… how to use them?

The first thing you need to know about massage candles is that they aren’t like regular candles. They are made up with different waxes and are much more luxury. These were crafted with the skin in mind. They relax the body while moisturizing the skin.

Light the candle as usual but wait about 30 minutes for it to get a good melt pool first. Depending on what area of the body you’re doing, you might want a lot or a little bit of wax. Once you’re happy with the amount that’s melted down, extinguish the flame. Always wait until the flame is out before you pour the wax or serious injuries can occur.  Once the flame is gone, you can test out the temperature. If its too warm you can wait a minute but if you wait more than five minutes the wax will harden. When you’re ready, pour the melted wax and massage it in. 

How to use during foreplay 

Depending on what your partner enjoys, pick an ideal erogenous zone.  The warmth of the candle is a great way to cause arousal. A nice foot or back massage would be a perfect way to start. If you or your partner isn’t into feet then going around the neck and shoulders would be a better idea. Once you’re done with the wax, wipe your hands off so that it wont get onto unwanted places. . Don’t put the wax inside your body for any reason! Massage candles are not safe lubricant and are for external use only. 

Once everything is done

When fun time is over you should take a nice shower and clean the sheets. You can always let the wax soak into your skin and dry since its skin safe but, If you’re anything like me don't want to feel oily, a quick shower and some soap will get the wax off just fine. 


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