Consent IS attractive - PT

Consent IS attractive

Jan 22, 2023Giovanni Quinn

 Consent is everything, it’s also attractive! The thought that your partner may feel forced to do something should overpower your fear of rejection. There should be consent from everybody involved each time! Don’t ask more than once. You HAVE to realize that no means no. Putting your partner in a difficult position when you’ve already gotten an answer puts a strain on your relationship. Your partner doesn’t hate you, for whatever reason, they just don’t want to and thats okay. 

Different ways to ask for consent 

 It doesn’t matter if you’re a Woman, Man, or non-binary, ask anyway. There are different ways to ask for consent, it doesn’t have to be awkward. You can try having a funny word/phrase that lets your partner know when you want to have sex. This is similar to having a safe word/phrase but instead, it’s asking to engage rather than disengage. Another way could be to do a certain hand gesture. This is perfect if you’re not good with words. Convincing them is not and will never be the right way to ask for consent! 

Find what works best for you 

 I recommend trying different ideas and even communicating with your partner what you both prefer. Finding your own little word/phrase or even gesture can definitely strengthen your relationship. It will feel like another secret you both share that nobody knows. Consent is important, always be sure everyone involved is onboard. Including you who’s reading this article right now.



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